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About the German-Russian Relations
„I am active in the German-Russian relations because I dream of a future where young people will be able to concentrate on the challenges of the 21st century together, without wasting energy and time on solving disputes between the two countries.“
„A real affair of the heart for me are the German-Russian relations because they build one of the essential bridges between East and West.“„I am committed to strengthening German-Russian relations at the civil society level, because currently officials are not living up to their responsibility of bringing our people together but rather sow seeds of discord between us due to myopic political considerations.“
Maria Fomina
Head of Public Relations
„I am committed to advances in the German-Russian relations because I sincerely think that regardless the passports we hold, we all dream about the same future.“
Our board members share their views on the German-Russian relations and the reasons for their engagement in a new social media series entitled "About the German-Russian Relations".
Click on the photos to reveal the statements
Marija Ruzhitskaya
„I am active in the German-Russian relations, because, as young people, we have not grown up in a world of walls, but in common.“
Artem Kardashevskiy
„Civil society dialogue is an important prerequisite for the long-term improvement of the German-Russian relations in times of political differences.“
Aisylu Nabiullina
Head of Projects
„German-Russian relations are fundamental for Europe's peace and prosperity. We need to work together towards our common future.“
Jan-Hendrik Bitter
Head of Public Relations
„A real affair of the heart for me are the German-Russian relations because they build one of the essential bridges between East and West.“
Nadja Filina
Head of Internal Communications
„I am active in the German-Russian relations because I believe that civil society cooperation helps to overcome prejudices and build bridges between nations.“
Pascal Tukaj
Head of Networking
Mikhail Polianskii
Head of Networking
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